Write For Us – Fashion

Write For Us- Fashion

Fashion has always been an iconic sector for humans. When writing for us, we always have one thing in mind: the topic should be eye-catching and easy to understand for the audience. If you want to write for us and want to publish your high-quality posts on a prominent website, you have come to the correct spot. Ministry Of Glamour gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with our audience. Prior to actually submitting your post, please read the following submission guidelines.

Submission Guidelines To Follow For Guest Posting

  • We anticipate you to write a well-researched useful article of at least 1000 words.
  • It is important that you choose a topic for your article that is related to fashion only. It will ensure that your post is published on our blog as soon as possible. As a result, you must ensure that the content you write and submit is relevant to our blog’s categories.
  • When you write a reader-friendly post, it is much simpler for people to read because your content is simply given to them. Format your articles so that they include a relevant title, subheadings, and key terms in bold. Additionally, insert bullet points wherever you see fit.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to your submitted content at any time.
  • Before submitting the article, ensure that it is not copied from other websites and that it is free from spelling and grammar errors.
  • We will never accept content that is written to sell products/services or to serve as an advertisement. It cannot be promotional in any way.
  • The images uploaded must be licenced, original, and of good quality.
  • Please keep in mind that the content should be emailed as a Google Doc or Word Doc.
  • At the end of the article, include the author’s bio and a link to your website.

How To Submit The Article

Drop an email at [ sales@ medhaavi.net ] with the appropriate subject line.